Professional Life Coach

What the First year of my 40s taught me

A few weeks ago I celebrated my birthday with an array of fun and meaningful activities but I received more than a meal at my birthday dinner and I just wanted to share. I always felt like 40 was the age that the lightbulb would automatically come on and bring everything together. Like all the […]

A few weeks ago I celebrated my birthday with an array of fun and meaningful activities but I received more than a meal at my birthday dinner and I just wanted to share. I always felt like 40 was the age that the lightbulb would automatically come on and bring everything together. Like all the wisdom and knowledge would culminate and all make sense for life. So far it hasn’t happened but I can say with confidence that I am certainly smarter and wiser than I was last year. Much of what I’ve become smart about is, learning to leave room for improvement and giving myself some grace. I’ve also learned there is no lightbulb but now that I’m older I understand. I say that leaving room for understanding. It’s that phrased and this one, “If I knew then what I know now,” that often leave the less experienced wondering what exactly you know.

During my birthday dinner, I had the opportunity to ask my guest the “If you knew then what you know now, what would you do different?” question and they shared with me what they would tell their younger selves. With their permission I’d like to give you a snippet of the wisdom they shared:

  • It’s okay to say No
  • Save a piece of you for you
  • Be comfortable being you
  • Trust your first instinct, go with your heart
  • Know when to hold your tongue
  • It’s okay to change your mind
  • Evolving is good for the next place
  • See yourself
  • The longer you fight, the longer you have to fight
  • You are ENOUGH! No matter the room, the company, or the situation

I realize some of these lessons may not be new to you but wherever you are in your journey of life I hope you surround yourself with good, wise, supportive people. I hope you know you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. I hope you add to the list of lessons learned and pass the information along. What I’ve ultimately learned this first year of my 40s is there’s still so much more to learn but the knowledge and experience I have gained is a good foundation for a successful and peaceful life ahead.


Joi Rice

Professional Life Coach

@2024 | A Place For Joi, LLC